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Forgotten sociology.


Racial Identity

Is the American Negro to Remain Black?

Kelly Miller

South Atlantic Quarterly, 1926.

Racial Self-Expression

E. Franklin Frazier

Ebony and Topaz: A Collectanea, 1927.

Two Racial Islands in Alabama

Horace Mann Bond

American Journal of Sociology, 1931.

White Racism and Racial Violence

Has America a Race Problem

Anna J. Cooper

A Voice from the South, 1892.

Economic Aspects of Race Prejudice

W.E.B. Du Bois

The Editorial Review, 1910.

The Negro Problem

Richard R. Wright, Jr.

The Negro Problem, 1911.

Public Opinion and the Negro

Charles S. Johnson

Opportunity, 1923.

Taking Stock of the Race Problem

Monroe N. Work

Opportunity, 1923.

Review of The Negro in Chicago,

Kelly Miller

American Journal of Sociology, 1924.

Economic Foundations of American Race Division

Abram L. Harris

Social Forces, 1927.

The Pathology of Race Prejudice

E. Franklin Frazier

The Forum, 1927.

Great Migration and Urban Sociology

Social Bonds in the “Black Belt” of Chicago

Fannie Barrier Williams

Charities, 1905.

Negroes Move North: Departure from the South

George Edmund Haynes

The Survey, 1918.

How Much is the Migration a Flight from Persecution?

Charles S. Johnson

Opportunity, 1923.

Durham: Capital of the Black Middle Class

E. Franklin Frazier

The New Negro An Interpretation, 1925.

The New Frontage of American Life

Charles S. Johnson

The New Negro An Interpretation, 1925.

Negro Migration in New York State

Eugene Kinckle Jones

Opportunity, 1926.

Where Is the Negro’s Heaven?

Kelly Miller

Opportunity, 1926.

Mrs. Bailey Pays the Rent

Ira De A. Reid

Ebony and Topaz: A Collectanea, 1927.

Mirrors of Harlem

Ira De A. Reid

Social Forces, 1927.

Labor and Economics

The Negro in Times of Industrial Unrest

Richard R. Wright, Jr.

Charities, 1905.

The Rural South

W.E.B. Du Bois

American Statistical Association, 1910.

Economic Future of the Negro American

W.E.B. Du Bois and Augustus Granville Dill

The Negro American Artisan, 1912.

White and Black World in American Labor and Politics

Abram L. Harris

Social Forces, 1925.

Negro Labor’s Quarrel with White Workingmen

Abram L. Harris

Current History, 1926.

Lily-White Labor

Ira De A. Reid

Opportunity, 1930.

Incidence Upon the Negroes

Charles S. Johnson

American Journal of Sociology, 1935.

Conflict of Caste and Class in an American Industry

Charles S. Johnson

American Journal of Sociology, 1936.

Social Organization of the Negro Community and the Union Movement

Horace R. Cayton and George S. Mitchell

Black Workers and the New Unions, 1939.


The Status of Woman in America

Anna J. Cooper

A Voice from the South, 1892.

Two Million Negro Women at Work

Elizabeth Ross Haynes

The Southern Workman, 1922.

The Task of Negro Womanhood

Elise Johnson McDougald

The New Negro An Interpretation, 1925.

Negro Women in Our Economic Life

Sadie T.M. Alexander

Opportunity, 1930.

Health and Populations

A Review of Hoffman’s Race Traits

Kelly Miller

American Negro Academy, 1897.

The South and the Health of Negroes

Monroe N. Work

Southern Sociological Congress, 1915.

Enumeration Errors in Negro Population

Kelly Miller

The Scientific Monthly, 1922.

Social Movements

After Garvey—What?

Charles S. Johnson

Opportunity, 1923.

The Negro Problem as Viewed by Negro Leaders

Abram L. Harris

Current History, 1923.

The Garvey Movement

E. Franklin Frazier

Opportunity, 1926.

Tactics and Programs of Minority Groups

Ralph J. Bunche

Journal of Negro Education, 1935.


Program for a Sociological Society

W.E.B. Du Bois

First Sociological Club., 1897.

Study of the Negro Problems

W.E.B. Du Bois

The Annals, 1898.


The Convict Lease System

Ida B. Wells

Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893.

The Negro and Crime

W.E.B. Du Bois

The Independent, 1899.

Crime Among the Negroes of Chicago: A Social Study

Monroe N. Work

American Journal of Sociology, 1900.

Spawn of Slavery

W.E.B. Du Bois

Missionary Review, 1901.

What Negroes Think of Crime

W.E.B. Du Bois

Some Notes on Negro Crime, 1904.

Crime Among Negroes

Kelly Miller

The Southern Workman, 1909.

The Northern Negro and Crime

Monroe N. Work

The Southern Workman, 1910.

Negro Criminality in the South

Monroe N. Work

The Annals, 1913.

The Negro Goes to Sing Sing

Ira De A. Reid

Opportunity, 1932.

Juvenile Delinquency

E. Franklin Frazier

Negro Family in Chigago, 1932.

Delinquency in the Negro Community

Earl R. Moses

Opportunity, 1933.

Rebellious Youth

E. Franklin Frazier

Negro Family in the US, 1939.


Schools and the Vocational Life of Negroes

Elise Johnson McDougald

Opportunity, 1923.

The Etiquette of Race Relations

Bertram W. Doyle

The Journal of Negro Education, 1936.

Negro Elementary School and the Cultural Pattern

Horace Mann Bond

Journal of Educational Sociology, 1940.


Three Scourges of the Negro Family

E. Franklin Frazier

Opportunity, 1926.

Is the Negro Family a Unique Sociological Unit?

E. Franklin Frazier

Opportunity, 1927.

Negro Personality Changes in a Southern Community

Charles S. Johnson

Race and Culture Contacts, 1934.


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